Tracy Aliche Consulting Case Studies

The Budgetnista Logo

Founder: Tiffany Aliche
Brand: “The Budgenista”

Founder: Tiffany Aliche
Brand: “The Budgenista”

Tiffany Aliche, acclaimed as a FinancialEducator and New York Times BestSelling Author, spearheads atransformative financial initiative underher banner, ‘The Budgetnista’. Hervisionary leadership has sparked a globalmovement, empowering over 2 millionwomen worldwide. Together, they’veachieved remarkable milestones,collectively amassing savings exceeding$250 million, liberating themselves fromover $200 million in debt, realizinghomeownership dreams, andfundamentally reshaping their financial mindsets.

PR Goal

Tiffany initially engaged TAC for ImageConsulting services, but the scope soonevolved to managing both her personal andpublic brand image. This included moreexpansive goals such as building awarenessfor her then upcoming books, ‘Get Good withMoney’ (2021) and ‘Made Whole’ (2023).Beyond these anticipated book releases, TACwas also tasked with securing mainstreammedia coverage to expand the reach andinfluence of The Budgetnista brand.

NOTE: TAC’s PR engagement with TheBudgetnista has been ongoing since January 2020, with two focused book campaigns,each lasting about 5 months.

The Strategy

TAC employed a comprehensive, multi-faceted strategy, including targeted pitching, strategic press release distribution, a focused podcast tour, and the crafting of pertinent key messaging around the books and the client’s expertise. This concerted effort resulted in a significant surge of awareness for both the book releases and the Budgetnista brand.

To maximize impact, TAC coordinated closely with media partners and the publisher, Penguin, to align book coverage with key publication dates. Coverage was strategically secured across platforms where the client’s target audience consumed content, creating widespread buzz—from national TV segments to podcasts, radio, digital, and print outlets.

Made Whole by Tiffany Aliche
Get Good with Money by Tiffany Aliche

The Results

TAC’s ongoing PR engagement with Tiffany commenced in January 2020. Over the years, TAC has been pivotal in orchestrating the successful launches of two acclaimed books – ‘Get Good with Money’ (campaign duration: Dec 2020-April 2021) and ‘Made Whole’ (campaign duration: Sept 2023-Jan 2024). Notably, ‘Get Good with Money’, was an instant New York Times bestseller, and has sold over 300,000 copies.

In addition to the book campaigns, TAC’s overall visibility strategies have been instrumental to The Budgetnista’s rapid brand expansion

This enduring partnership has yielded prominent mainstream coverage across esteemed media outlets such as The Today Show,The New York Times, CNBC, Good Morning America, Yahoo Finance, The Mel Robbins Podcast, Money Magazine, LIVE w/ Kelly & Mark, Essence, TMZ Live, and more.

Client Media Coverage and Visibility Metrics

Social Media Impressions
Unique Visitors/Mo
Media Placements
Ad Value Equivalency
Online Readership
Est. Coverage Views